dark nebula
Dark Nebula Nebulas are glowing clouds of dust and gases which are present in this vast multiverse .... Unlike other nebulas which are luminous there are nebulas which are dark and completely opaque known as absorption nebula or dark nebula ... A dark nebula is a type of nebula that is so dense that it conceals the light from celestial objects behind it, such as background stars and emission or reflection nebula. The extinction of the light is caused by dust molecules forming dense clouds. Dark nebulas are generally coated with frozen carbon monoxide and nitrogen, which effectively block the passage of light at visible wavelengths. Also present are molecular hydrogen, atomic helium, C 18 O (CO with oxygen as the 18 O isotope), CS, NH 3 (ammonia), H 2 CO (formaldehyde), c-C 3 H 2 (cyclopropenylidene) and a molecular ion N 2 H + (diazenylium), all of which are relatively transparent. Due to presence of these gases these giant clouds are so den...